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25 results:
1.“Right to collective bargaining and action” 
Date: 25.06.2024
The seminar aims to target and compare challenges in the field of collective action in the public sector across European countries. One of the topics is the right to strike in our sectors. It is a… 
2.Wahrung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit und der funktionierenden Demokratie 
Date: 04.10.2023
EUROFEDOP-SeminarAn dem ersten EUROFEDOP-Seminar im Europäischen Parlament in Straßburg nahmen am 21./22. September 90 Gewerkschaftsdelegierte aus ganz Europa teil. Wie wichtig es ist, über Rechtsstaatlichkeit und… 
3.Visit to the police in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Wendt: ‘Developments must reach the workforce directly!’ 
Date: 13.09.2024
EPU President Rainer Wendt visited the European Commission Representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the capital Sarajevo. The organisers of the EPU delegation's visit, President Dragan Matovis and… 
4.Ursachenforschung ist genauso nötig wie der Einsatz der Polizei 
Date: 04.07.2023
Ausschreitungen Krawalle nachtsDie Europäische Polizei Union (EPU), ein Zusammenschluss von 13 europäischen Polizeigewerkschaften mit Sitz in Wien, fordert eine sorgfältige Erforschung der Ursachen, die zum Ausbruch der tagelangen… 
5.The European Parliament's decision is an important step towards restoring the control and limitation of migration to the EU 
Date: 10.04.2024
AsylpolitikThe European Police Union (EPU) and the German Police Union (DPolG) have welcomed the European Parliament's decision to reform asylum policy. In an initial reaction, DPolG federal chairman Rainer… 
6.Solidarity and social partnership 
Date: 26.04.2024
EPU-president Rainer Wendt is in Chișinău at the moment on invitation by DEMNITATE trade union for policemen and women in Moldova. He mentions the importance of solidarity and social partnerships in… 
7.Rule of Law - Democracy - Acceptance 
Date: 16.04.2024
This year's European Police Congress on 16/17 April 2024 in Berlin, at which the DPolG was again widely represented, offered a main programme, more than 30 specialist forums and a broad supporting… 
8.Rainer Wendt in conversation with the Vice President of the EP Rainer Wieland 
Date: 29.11.2023
In Brussels, the DPolG Federal Chairman and President of the European Police Union (EPU) Rainer Wendt and Jacqueline Hirt (Managing Director of the EPU) held a targeted conversation lasting several… 
9.Police Work during European Championships 
Date: 21.06.2024
EPU President Rainer Wendt spoke to Krzystof Zimoch from the Polish radio station Radio 357 about police work during the European Championships and the threat situation. “The police are well… 
10.Joint efforts to cope with police tasks 
Date: 10.08.2023
Rainer Wendt, Interim-President of the EPU (European Police Union), is on a two-day working visit to the Netherlands. Today in conversation with, among others, ACP chairman Wim Groeneweg. Crime does… 
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